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Girl Scares & Tazes Boyfriend
There is something wrong with society these days. Women have literally become too big for their boots, I think it is time to go back a step and put them right back in their place (the kitchen). Who's with me?
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You can trust on Vine to come up with some gems here - You all know what to expect from this one so there isn't much point in me writing anything in here. Hopefully it'll inspire you to film some of your own.
Comments: 2
Making car noises might sound kinda lame but this guy has spent his life perfecting it. and despite the fact that it's a completely useless talent and he'll probably never get a real job, the judges like it.
Comments: 0
Rollerblading is dangerous on its own. But, what if you rollerbladed behind a motorcycle, connected only by a thin rope? In Pakistan? Well, that's a level of danger and/or teasing we barely know.
Comments: 2
Any guy lucky enough to survive a crash like that unscathed needs to get to Vegas, because he's on a roll.
Comments: 0
When this dude grabs the foam 90 seconds into the clip I'm thinking 'What an insane waste of time'. Then after a couple seconds with that vacuum my mind was blown.
Comments: 2
Looking for a change to alleviate your mobile misery ?! Blyk is here! Yep, it sounds like just like 'blick' and it's the best freebie around - as long as you’re not older than 24!
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That amazing gymnast last week did an incredible exercise ball stunt. This is not him. This dude has a very interesting 'alternative' technique!
Comments: 2
If only all cops had this great sense of humor.....dream on - LOL
Comments: 1
I don't think this cop understands that a hit and run doesn't require you to start running and try to apprehend the criminal. On the plus side, it's nice to see London has started deploying its fleet of T-2000s.
Comments: 2
Some dogs are exceptionally skilled at catching and fetching, but some dogs, like these, are absolutely terrible. Somewhere along their way the forgot how to be dogs and do dog stuff, but it makes for hilarious viewing anyway.
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