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Ultimate Frisbee Catch
I never even knew that this was a proper sport, much less that it had been going long enough for talent like this to develop. I don't watch a lot of sport, but if I start, this will be top of my list!
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See! Education can be total fun! Either he's one of the few math teachers with a sense of humor and some programming skills, or he's a wizard in disguise. Either way, pretty cool.
Comments: 3
If the interwebs was made for dogs then this is the kind of videos they be wagging their tails at and barking about to the rest of their canine buddies - However it isn't, but that doesn't stop us enjoying it too.
Comments: 2
OK, ready for your WTF awkward TV moment of the day? Good, because you’re about to experience it taken to the nth level. If you feel like it, why not join in and sing along - OMG :(
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Quadrotors are fricken awesome. It's like one of Newton's laws or something. How could they be more awesome I hear you ask? Well, if they could balance stuff between their spinning blades and pass it to each other mid-air!
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So you have your favorite subject to photograph: you — but you want to make sure you do it properly. So here’s some pro tips from bro tips, showing you the best way to get the best from the best: you.
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Conan takes on the hotly anticipated Wii U game and finds that his favorite part is the sarcastic applause from the losers—and it proves further that Conan really, really needs his own gaming review show, it would be awesome.
Comments: 3
It's not often you will find a rapper who is this forthcoming with his nerdyness. What next, Dan? Dan bull is back to profess his love for the blocky build-em-up in the form of a catchy rap.
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It’s always the chipmunks who get all the chicks, surround by groupies who want to make out with them. But then that’s what happens when you’re a big rock star, doesn’t matter if your human or animal, chicks dig you.
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Pity this poor dog owner, he comes home to find that his dog has pooped and instead of cleaning it up his roomba has spread it all across his living room, stinking the place up and leaving him with a nasty mess.
Comments: 2
Weebl takes a satirical swipe at the recent TESCOs snaffu where supposedly beef products turned out to be made of delicious beefy horses instead. Combining satire with Weebl songs as the best idea I've heard all week.
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