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Earths Ring
We're talking about what the Earth would look like if Xzibit just went to town on it. First step would be adding rings, next step would be putting plasma screens onto everything that stood still long enough. Pimp.
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The Monkey’s Woolly Actors Guild are tirelessly campaigning to give equal opportunities for woolly actors the world over & they’re re-edited Jurassic Park with kids favourite Bagpuss. It’s a revelation!
Comments: 0
After surviving this crash, the pilots should have a hell of a tale to tell. Watch at 1:31 to see the rescue crew drop the ball.
Comments: 2
This is an epically spectacular accident that happened at the "Jolly Rally" at Valle D'Aosta in Italy which shows a close shave for the spectators watching the race. As dramatic as it looks luckily no one injured.
Comments: 4
There's nothing the internet likes more than making fun of something that's actually pretty serious. it doesn't get much more serious than an assassination attempt so here's the internet, doing what they do best!
Comments: 2
A surveillance camera catches a thief reaching for a gun out of his pocket and accidentally shooting himself in the nuts while trying to rob a closed business. If he did have the balls to attempt a bank heist, he doesn't anymore - OUCH!
Comments: 8
A comedian without any actual jokes is a rare creature. Not only does this guy not have any jokes but he’s agonisingly awkward. Plus a thick Norwegian accent and you’d expect him to be terrible. Somehow though he’s hilarious.
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Let this be a lesson to all the camera men out there that decide to film the ground right after your buddy wipes out. This guy should be half way to the hospital but he still manages to get a clip of the aftermath.
Comments: 15
In 38 seconds this dude goes from completely bald to a very full head of hair. Every time you think he can't possibly have any more hair, bam...more hair.
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Why I'm glad you asked. It's so damn hot even tattoos are running off in search of a cold one. Mind you if I was Buddy I'd take full advantage of the chance to jump the ink wench, she's a babe!
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When a calf gets stuck in a trench, one awesome guy stops riding his motorcycle and helps the little guy get home.
Comments: 249