Girls With Weapons
Two of my favourite things on the planet together at last. And a few of them seem to actually know how to hold them. The question is can they handle guns this big? A few of them look like they've had lots of practice!
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A perfect chance to look at pictures of divers and laugh your ass off at them afterwards. The expressions are a mix of concentration, physical strain and g-forces. Somehow, this never gets old.
Comments: 1,647
If only chicks were like clothes, you know, you could walk into a shop, pick out something that looks nice & go into a changing room to try it out for size. Of course you'd know how much it was gonna cost you before you bought it!
Comments: 0
A perfect derrière is just like a succulent steak, something you want to get your teeth into but it has to meet the following criretia: Juicy, no fat and something that just melts in your mouth!
Comments: 0
Hot women in sports jerseys! You know the scene: tight bods wrapped in tiny tops, taught midriff, ponytail cap, big SMILE. It what we in the trade like to term Jock Fodder. Right, now who wants to down a yard of Jager and sit on our lap, eh?
Comments: 139
Love her or lust her you can't deny that this cute celeb has a very raw charm & beauty - These pictures of the celeb cutie are off the charts - And if you complain Iron Man will kill you!
Comments: 0
From the looks on these kids faces you'd think their hair has feeling & they are about to be subjected to extreme torture! I guess the first time you have one it could be scary? Why do kids hate the barber so much?
Comments: 210
You will NEVER regret spending a day marveling at God's wonderful creations, the cool water on your body, the soft sand beneath your feet AND the overload of beautiful beach babe butt in your face - DAYUM!
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I don't care who you are, if you're bored of look at Kate Upton modelling underwear then you're bored of life. She's the hottest girl in the world right now and every picture of her deserves to be celebrated. Fact.
Comments: 2
Summer's coming and that means the beach. It’s a great place to rest & relax, catching a few zzz’s & maybe read a good book while you work on your tan. Whatever your reason, it won’t be a complete experience without ogling all the cute women.
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It's good to see that at some point over the last few years cosplay really upped its game to an entirely new level of awesome! At it's creative peak can be a superbly entertaining spectacle (especially if they are cute).
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