Army Fun Times
Just because you joined up doesn't mean you'll be spending all your time running around wielding exciting bits of weaponry. Luckily there's all kinds of fun and japes to be found in the armed forces.
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The dimples of Venus (also known as back dimples) are sagittally symmetrical indentations sometimes visible on the human lower back, just superior to the gluteal cleft. Ok, lesson over for today, now sit back and enjoy.
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Digital art has progressed to such a point now that it almost has become an art-form on par with the great comic books of old. The arrival of the darker sider of culture, anime and urban chaos makes this a thing of beauty. Enjoy.
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Denise Milani and Jamie Hammer together on the same beach. Oh what I would give to have been on that beach that day!
Comments: 9
An epic collection of pictures that are unified simply by the fact that they're awesome - It makes a for an amazing collection of imagery that will satiate your visual appetite!
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So super-storm Sandy has been sweeping the east coast of America, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake, flooding, demolishing homes and knocking out power lines. If you've been affected then these lolz are dedicated to you. Enjoy.
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I'm throwing a party and all these girls are invited! Come one, come all and bring your friends, as long as they have big butts and their idea of dressing up is to go out in a thong or micro-bikini. Res ipsa loquitur. Let the good times roll.
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First of all why would anyone have taken these pictures and secondly why would anyone have posted them on their personal social media sites? Facebook might have 900 million users but going by this they're all retarded.
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Partying is fine but unless you're partying hard there's really no point. It's like they always say: If you're not absolutely bombed then you might as well not exist. Everyone here knows that & follows that mantra to the letter.
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I really don't know why I've never seen this before but why has no one tried girls covered in beer porn? I mean its a pretty bad waste of beer but the viewing figures would probably cover the beer outlays, brb registering
Comments: 12
"Come to me my melancholy baby, Cuddle up and don't be blue - You know dear that I'm in lurve with you!" - Bing Crosby certainly knew what he was singing about , no wonder it was such a BIG hit - HUBBA!
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