It might not be the most original fancy dress costume, but it's pretty easy to put together and pretty damn effective. All you need is a face, a knife, some guts and a zipper to glue to your face afterwards. Enjoy!
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Get ready for 40 images full of the perky toned volleyball babe behinds. All the jumping up and down must be great for toning the glutes and the tight pants are a really nice touch. BRB off to find my local women's volleyball team
Comments: 0
People are requesting doodles on their takeaway boxes, with surprising results. I'd be scared that the surly recipient of my order would decide to smear his or her own bodily excretions on my food rather than getting arty.
Comments: 4
It's time for a sumptuous helping of hand-assisted-asset maidens and their ongoing quest to discover the joys of themselves, friends and strangers all lending a helping hand to, what seems, a seriously perfect occasion :)
Comments: 0
Ah, the internet, where the pretty girls are either kinda fat, ugly, both, or not females at all but old men. It's all trickery. These girls have mastered the clever use of angles to conceal what they really look like. Scary.
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Beaches are a great place to relax and unwind. Unless the beach in question is this beach. This beach has planes flying so low over it that the turbulence can cause serious physical harm. Not exactly relaxing, eh?
Comments: 2
One of the few joys of living in New York has to be the cab rides, entrusting your wellbeing to a man who has a name on his taxi license that would, in any other situation, make you laugh so hard you'd wet yourself.
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Some people are definitely on a completely different wavelength than the rest of us and what they take for normal everyday activities would send the rest of us running for the hills. It's a very strange planet we live on.
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This girl-kissing hottie shows off her biggest assets in this beautiful gallery dedicated to her fun bags!
Comments: 5
Stare, go on, take a good long look. Didn't quite get your fill then stare some more. Why not? There's no harm in looking, right? Just make sure there's not a camera around to catch your indiscretion.
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Guys stare at women. it's what they do. Especially when the women are wearing as little as these ones are. Regardless nobody wants to be unsubtle enough to get caught staring like all of these lecherous gentlemen.
Comments: 8