Lego Movies
So you took the time out to create movie posters using Lego characters. Who's going to be the true hero and actually remake the entire movies with Legos now?
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Here is a superb solution when it comes down to trying to remember 'what' dead President belongs with 'what' bill denomination - Stick a celebrity on the note and you will be able to recite them with no trouble.
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The word 'weird' really doesn't do justice to some of these. They are without doubt the most ridiculous and bizarre collection of wedding day snaps that has ever been assembled. Happiest day of their lives?
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It's always the same, isn't it, especially during the holiday season. You build up expectations in your head about how it will be and then the cold reality of 'how it really is' slaps you in the face. Sigh
Comments: 14
There's more ample maiden's mounds than you could possibly get your head around (or in) - These luverly ladies should definitely come with a suffocation warning. It may be dangerous but it will surely be worth it.
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As if performing in-front of millions of sports fans wasn't stressful enough, now atheletes have to make sure they get their photo-pose just right too. Prepare to fear the telephoto lens and it's evil ways!
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Forget 'when animals attack!', the new trend in the critter community is to prove that humans are not the only species capable of interrupting a snapshot. Enter the masters of photo-disaster, the photobombing animals!
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If you think about it it's actually quite a primitive thing to do. Removing most of your clothes then having a wrestling match in a patch of mud. It sounds like something people did in the 12th century to settle their differences.
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Where would we be without our butts? Our trousers wouldn't stay up so well and sitting down wouldn't be as fun, if we didn't have them galleries like this would be impossible. So, release your inner baboon and enjoy some butts.
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Oh god please let these be concept art for an upcoming video game or movie. If it looked this badass I wouldn't care how bad it sucked or how much of a cheap cash-in on 80s nostalgia it would be.
Comments: 17
Stop your grinning and drop your linen and prepare for a total babe-fest overload! You can never have too many fine females to drool over, get ready for some seriously awesome babe appreciation material!
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