Lego Movies
So you took the time out to create movie posters using Lego characters. Who's going to be the true hero and actually remake the entire movies with Legos now?
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They might rock your world when they appear on the covers of magazines, or strut down the catwalk, but what about when they warpaint comes off, eh? Would it be like owning a Ferrari that looks like a Ford Focus?
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I love a themed party, why? Well, for one it's a chance to adopt an alter-ego personality & of course the other reason is that chicks seem to love come dressed, well, in not very much at all - Let the party begin!
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More exciting than watching your first child being born whilst walking on the moon on an IV drip of cocaine, or winning the superbowl & then discovering you have superpowers. Too bad you won't remember it in the morning.
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If you're inclined towards OCD style behavior then this selection of images should sooth you, featuring all kinds of objects that slot together so well, it's as though they were made for each other.
Comments: 1,511
This is a rotating boat lift in Scotland that connects two different canals that are 24 meters apart, it's an awesome feat of engineering. The design is based on the shape of the double-headed axe from Celtic tradition.
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Yep, it's celebs who, strangely enough look like other celebs. Nothing strange here you might think, well wait until you see who their counterparts are. You will never see them in the same way again. Weird.
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Not many people like being the odd one out but some people have the cahones to stand out from the crowd, un-purse their lips and change that duckface into a maniacal grin!
Comments: 7
You can never have too much of a good thing when it comes to chicks, it might be true two's company, but three's a number i want to surround myself with if ever i get the chance coz all good things come in threes' :)
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Are you worried that you're a little bit on the untidy side? Really? Believe me, you're nthing compared to these people. If untidy was akin to a punch in the arm then these offenders would be standing trail for mass murder.
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Welcome to one of the most pleasurable pastimes on the whole planet, it's free, you can do it as many times and for as long you want (with the victim's consent) and it will always leave you with an :)
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