Hilarious Dog Haircuts
Some people find it fun to get their dog a crazy hairdo, but I think some of these are borderlining on cruel and unusual punishment! Just remember that every dog will have it's day & get revenge!?
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Someone PLEASE get these girls a burger! There's thin & then there's WAFER thin! Sometimes a chickl's obsession with her figure can go just a little too far and result in a body so thin she'll snap in half if you look at her.
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Some cars in films are so iconic that they almost have their own role. So artist Jesús Prudencio did the decent thing and made a bunch of movie posters with those iconic vehicles as the lead image.
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Before and after shots of your favorite or not so favorite celebrities! It's no wonder why they always seem to stay so young in magazines and movies!
Comments: 1
Drawing iPad applications can do real miracle letting artists from different countries of the world create amazing finger paintings. It is difficult to believe that all these masterpieces were drawn on the tablet, but it is true.
Comments: 30
We love looking at them on the big screen but we love them even more when they are out of their clothes and splashing about in the water - Even without make-up and digital-enhancement they still look awesomely adoreable!
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If you're inclined towards OCD style behavior then this selection of images should sooth you, featuring all kinds of objects that slot together so well, it's as though they were made for each other.
Comments: 1,511
Obligatory NOMs all round, I could probably manage 2 or 3 with some fried onions. But after that I would've had my fill and I'd probably move on to a nice tasty dessert of chocolate cheese cat. Then maybe some bees and biscuits.
Comments: 3
There are many horrors lurking in wait on the interwebz, many images of things that can never be unseen but that you just have to look at—and you can add these images to that long list.
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Take some anime or a movie, then get it subtitled by someone with a thing grasp of the English language. It might not be to everybody's tastes, i guess it really depends on how silly your sense of humour is!
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"Houston, we have a problem!" - Cute chicks have invaded the planet earth - BUTT, it's all good as they are insistent in displaying their rather fine rear assets for anyone who cares to look!
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