Hilarious Dog Haircuts
Some people find it fun to get their dog a crazy hairdo, but I think some of these are borderlining on cruel and unusual punishment! Just remember that every dog will have it's day & get revenge!?
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America, the land of the free. Also the land of the crazy, the weird, and the overall wtf. We're not saying that isn't something to be proud of.
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Sometimes temptation is too much for some people. If your current girlfriend is slim, active and only eats one salad leaf a day - respect her - it takes a lot of will-power to avoid the lure of burgers & fries as these relapses reveal.
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Getting a tattoo might sound like a cool thing to do, but for god's sake, think about it carfully, make sure you realise that it's for life. And under NO circumstances will Edward from Twilight ever be a good choice for a dude.
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Finally, a showdown between priceless works of art and their natural enemy, the humble house cat. Centuries old masterpieces versus the relatively new phenomenon that is the LOLcat. Which looks better? Only one way to find out!
Comments: 3
In this age of equality it's refreshing to see some men sticking to a time honored tradition and letting females join in. No idea why these women were let out of the kitchen anyway?
Comments: 15
Proof that under all that flubber lies a ripped body just waiting to be shown off. I just knew i had muscles. Kinda. I'm guessing that quite a lot of personal work was required to make some of these amazing body alterations posible.
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Another week has gone by and Monday rolls round again. If you're anything like me you're chomping at the bit for something to do other than work. Luckily for you we've prepared a nice big pic-dump for you to enjoy.
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Just like the story of Snow White girls can't help looking at their reflection. Now they usually have a camera handy and upload to Facebook to get their friends to decide.
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So many memes that by the end the words will have no meaning. Enough to ward off even the most die hard forum trolls. But remember, you may think people are hating but in reality, nobody really even gives a shit.
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Whatever you do, don't start trying to figure out what you are looking at and how it can be done. before you know it you will be pulled into a recursive nightmare of trying to figure out was is real and what is not of this reality.
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