Army Fun Times
Just because you joined up doesn't mean you'll be spending all your time running around wielding exciting bits of weaponry. Luckily there's all kinds of fun and japes to be found in the armed forces.
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You may or may not have had the opportunity to see your favorite band, but at least now you have the opportunity to see 20 bands recreated in LEGO, by Adly Syairi Ramly.
Comments: 930
There is definitely some interesting spots here that I would love to visit. Especially driving down into the water would be awesome!
Comments: 1
It's weird the relationships girls have with each other, they hang out, party, get drunk and go wild with their closest friends, just like guys, except sometimes it goes a LOT further than males would ever feel comfortable with.
Comments: 0
Are you worried that you're a little bit on the untidy side? Really? Believe me, you're nothing compared to these people. If untidy was akin to a punch in the arm then these offenders would be standing trail for mass murder.
Comments: 0
If there is something else you'd feel comfortable with your girlfriend purring her hands all over besides you it'd have to be your guitar, two of the dearest things in your life that you love to cherish together. It's a perfect synergy.
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She might not be the most curvaceous of actresses but there's definitely something about her. Maybe it's the posh British accent or maybe it's just her willingness to get all dressed up as a pirate. Who knows?
Comments: 12
Now here's a great idea that should really should be taken to every subway station on the planet. Why aren't all subways packed with 8-bit style artwork? It makes for some awesome nostalgia moments.
Comments: 313
Sometimes when you see something, you think to yourself 'My god, what an awesome idea! How did no one come up with it until now?!' and other times you'll think 'My god, what a stupid idea. What kind of moron designed this?'
Comments: 86
Time for moar photographic evidence to prove that women and alcohol are possibly the greatest combination ever - It's like the perfect blend of cutie chemistry.
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It takes a great deal of thinking to come up with a great boat name, the best ideas are drawn from some sort of memory or life experience. The captains of these dirty and sexy vessels certainly came up with winners!
Comments: 2