Army Fun Times
Just because you joined up doesn't mean you'll be spending all your time running around wielding exciting bits of weaponry. Luckily there's all kinds of fun and japes to be found in the armed forces.
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So, just to put this all in perspective, the pope (god's representative on Earth) quits his job, lightning strikes the Vatican, then scientists cure aids. Is god trying to tell us something? Ponder that while lolzing at these pics.
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It might seem like yesterday to you but if in reality it was SO last century, can you remember all those daily things that you couldn't bear to be without (before the internet came around?). Time to get nostalgic.
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They say a picture paints a thousand words, but words alone will never fully describe the weirdness of these people's faces, in the pursuit to catch the ultimate 'slip' of your buddies and upload them to the interwebs.
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Did these people get dressed in the dark or what!? With so much clothing available in every high street, it makes you wonder what went through the minds of these folks when they got dressed that morning. Surreal.
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Another batch of photos snapped at precisely the right moment for hilarity to ensue. From a Christ-like stunt plane to the worlds most unconventional basketball tackle, these are all instant classics.
Comments: 332
Kate Upton models some rather fetching beachwear. I have no idea why and nor do I care. Maybe it's her own line of bikinis, maybe it someone elses' or maybe she's just on holiday and feeling a bit indecisive.
Comments: 21
A collection of photos that highlight the natural and man made beauty of the planet we call home.
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America, the land of the free. Also the land of the crazy, the weird, and the overall wtf. We're not saying that isn't something to be proud of. Here are some of the best bits from all over the home of the (spandex wearing) brave!
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More exciting than watching your first child being born whilst walking on the moon on an IV drip of cocaine, or winning the superbowl & then discovering you have superpowers. Too bad you won't remember it in the morning.
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Some of these are really creepy and all are WTF? Makes you wonder how the heck someone could get some of these things inside them!
Comments: 137